Hawkridge Woods
A short walk exploring woodland around Hawkridge Reserviour with a restored limekiln and some hidden views.
The restored limekiln at Hawkridge Woods
Walk info
Nearest postcode:
1.5km (1 mile)
1 hour
Look out for
Roe deer running through the woods, the restored limekiln and wintering water birds on Hawkridge Reserviour.
Start location
Nearest postcode:
Facilities nearby
Toilets including a wheechair accessible toilet avaiable for anglers only. Nearest public facilities at Great Wood or Fyne Court
Transport and parking
Free car parking in large layby at Hawkridge Reservior viewpoint.
This short walk starting at Hawkridge Reservior explores a small woodland, where a restored limekiln slowely emerges from the landscape before providing views often hidden across Aisholt Common and east across Hawkridge Reservior.