As part of our volunteering links with Somerset County Council we are welcoming Millie Sandford to our team as a volunteer. She will be joining us once a month to take part in a variety of activities for the next year for the completion of her Gold Duke of Edinburgh Volunteering award.

Watch this space to find out what she gets up to…. Here’s an overview of her first day with us…
18th July 2018 After being introduced to everyone I spent the first day of my volunteering doing a butterfly transect with Sammy, the Volunteer Coordinator, around Fyne Court. We saw many Large Whites and Meadow Browns, as well as Common Blues, Red Admirals, Speckled Wood and Peacocks. I thoroughly enjoyed my first day volunteering and am looking forward to coming back in August. We didn't manage to get a pic of a butterfly but snapped a Silver Y Moth.