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5th December - International Volunteering Day - here's Jackie's experience on the Quantocks

I came to volunteer for the AONB through their Quantock Countryside Volunteers partnership with the National Trust approximately eighteen months ago. I can honestly say that it is one of the best things that I have done in recent years. The appeal for me is that the volunteering opportunities offered are diverse which enables people with different interests to get involved.

I have chosen to become involved in QCV tasks, butterfly and bat monitoring, and being a volunteer Ranger. With the variety of training opportunities available to me within these tasks, I have not only increased my knowledge of the issues surrounding countryside and species conservation, but I have also been able to enhance my practical skills in areas such as hedge laying and fencing. The chance to get involved has given me a real sense of pride and achievement. Nowadays when I am on the Quantocks I have a feeling of belonging and a knowledge that I am helping to preserve this incredible part of Somerset for generations to come.

If you'd like to know more about the volunteering opportunities available check out our volunteering page and maybe get in touch


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